Editorial August 2011

Finally, the summer edition of the Music Business Journal is here, offering a set of industry reports that are both enlightening and engaging.  The fundamental changes in the business that we’ve discussed all year are as apparent as ever in this issue:  The Apple iCloud debut (Aaron Gottlieb), Music Finance/ Pandora’s recent IPO (Elliot Weiss), the ever-growing effects of social media and the Internet (Nick Susi), and shifting international copyright views (Luiz Buff) are all indicators of a social and technological renaissance currently taking place in the business music.


In light of this progression, I’m reminded of the growth that has taken place inside our own team at the MBJ over the past year.  This issue marks the close of a very colorful year for me as Editor in Chief, and I feel that the team has made a number of very significant accomplishments that are worth reflecting on.


While seven issues and roughly 80 articles have been published in print, the MBJ drastically im- proved its online presence at www.thembj.org this year thanks especially to the efforts of IT Manager, Itay Rahat.  Furthermore, the Journal is garnering recognition outside Berklee walls through appear- ances at major music conferences like SXSW and Digital Music Forum— thanks in large part to our Content Editor, Nick Susi.


Last November, the Journal celebrated its 5th Year Anniversary, and through a team-wide ef- fort lead by Minden Jones, we put on an event that featured live music, catered food, and an awards ceremony that recognized our most valued supporters.  We’ve also made significant progress on an organizational note, with Luiz Buff as Distribution Manager, and Ben Scudder and Micah Deterville as PR Managers.  And last but clearly not least, thanks to Lau Meng Wai, the layout of our print edi- tions have never looked better.


It has been my sincerest pleasure working with the Music Business Journal team over the past year.  I’m inspired by their drive and am eager to watch as they continue to spearhead the Journal’s ever-constant push for progress.

Thanks for everything,



Evan Kramer, Editor-in-Chief




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